Sunday, May 16, 2010

2 little monkies!

Alex likes to entertain us! She is always trying to make J.T. smile! I can't believe that my son is almost 1 year old! So glad we had him!

A visit with the lovely Moraga Easter Bunny!

We love to go visit the Easter Bunny every year at the Rheem Shopping Center right in Moraga! There isn't much  here so when there is we take advantage! Notice Alex's beautiful jewerly she has been sporting since her birthday!

Alexandra is 5!

Celebrating at pre-school!

                       We had a great celebration at home with all of her friends! She wanted an easter themed party since her birthday was the day after. We had a pinta,egg hunt, pin the tail on the bunny, and the kids decorated there our cupcakes at Alex's request along with some fun crafts.

THe Snow

WE went to the snow! It was great! THe girls ran around and went on little snow rides.

Cute Jt
Hannah and alex on the rides
Hannah and Haleigh raced to see who could finish their hot chocolate first haleigh won!

Haleigh and jt screaming

Hanging out with Omar!!!

The girls and boy are big fans of the Gaels basketball team. When they got back from Their Sweet 16 run the girls were there to support them.
