Wednesday, June 23, 2010

wiennies and rice

If you are a Jones chances are  you have had wiennies and rice while at Grandma Jones'. It pretty much is a family favorite. Well on Sunday evening I was talking to my wonderful father (on fathers day) and asked if he had a good time at my sister Celeste house for dinner. He said, she made wiennies and rice, tutti fruiti ice cream etc... He was in heaven! The next morning after telling Celeste how much dad enjoyed his dinner she said you have to make it for your kids! Brad and Marisa LOVED it. So as always when I make something new the kids are very hesitant to eat it and say it looks like things you wouldn't eat. I have to say when I was your age and we went to my grnadmas house I didn't want to eat it either BUT I tried it and most of the time I loved it. Then of course it is usually the same outcome. Hannah, Haleigh and Alex finished every last bite and Hannah even licked the bowl! Thanks Granna, We all love and miss you! Thanks for the reciepe Celeste!

Saturday, June 19, 2010


                                                                                                          Today we celebrated JT's birthday. We went on over to Moraga Commons and enjoyed a cool windy day with some family and friends! Thanks for coming and celebrating JT's big day!                                  
 Anthony  cousins! We are so glad you lived here in the bay area for a while! We are so sad you are moving! We will miss you tons!!! But looking forward to our visit! Thanks Papa and Susana,Olivia, Aunt Ann and Uncle Drew, Doron, Bridgette, Jori & Ben, Adam, Kristen, Luke and Charlie for spending the afternoon with us. Oh and the cake ,yeah I am no Sharon or Debbie but that was my attempt at a baseball cake.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Another Tooth Fairy visit tonight!

Well ALex wouldn't finish her subway sandwich sooo I knew something was wrong...that tooth had to go! Step one get the dental floss and  Step two the tooth flew across the room! Took a few minutes to find it. Hope the tooth fairy is good to alex tonight!

Summer Time!

Take me out to the ball game!! JT is becoming a regular at baseball goer! Last night was Mormon night @ AT&T park and  Brooke White sang the Take me out to the ballgame. Haleigh and some of her friends found her and took a pitcure. We had a great time and can't wait until next time. I know Brad this is the Giants, but hey Tommy Lasorda was there and while everyone was booing him I shouted out a loud cheer!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Are you kidding me?!?!

Hold on! Are you kidding me?!?? Didn't I just have this little guy? Yep 1 yr. ago on  June 23rd! Can't believe you are already 1! Love you J.T.!

Really Haleigh?!?! Are you really graduating from elementary school tomorrow? I thought it was only yesterday when I was leaving Cullen to go to Goddard. Am I really that old? Yes, Stephanie you are! Haleigh is such a great girl.(Although at times she can sure turn me off with her mute button) I am so proud of her she has had to make some hard choices this year that will help her have great future! Love you Haleigh! I am excited for you to experience Middle School! It was my favorite and I hope its your too!
