Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Who would of thought?

Me running? We all no I do not run! Walking YES! running NO! Well I still say its not quite a run but a jog I did and a 1/2 Marathon at that! We took a road trip down to Santa Barbara this weekend where Andrew and the kids cheered on mom. The good news I finished and wasn't in last! The bad news..... (I guess there isn't any bad news.) I even got this awesome medal around me neck!
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Thursday, November 4, 2010


We had a great Halloween! Thanks to friends and family the costumes were not to hard to find this year! Haleigh was Fear the Beard (Brian Wilson of the SF Giants) Hannah was a vampire, Alexandra was Rapunzel (thanks to Marisa's old costume that grandma made years ago) and JT was the monkey! The girls had fun craving their own pumpins with no help! We even saved the seeds so when dad FINALLY got home he made some great tasting seeds! JT cleaned up with the hose!

Fear the Beard!

Haleigh and Andrew played hookie from school and work on Wednesday to celebrate with The World Champions Giants and the rest of the bay area! Haleigh got so into this playoff season that she dressed up as Brian Wilson for Halloween! She had a great time going to games with Andrew. How spoiled she is! Hopefully she will keep up on her grades!

Boys will be boys!

This is where you can find JT these days. IF there is no toilet paper left this is why. Gross!
