So it's official! I have a teenager!!! How did this happen?!? Well as you can see my little Haleigh has turned into a beautiful girl. She is such a big help to me especially since Andrew is so busy at work. She is always having to watch one of her siblings. I remember someone telling me when she was born that you will love having a girl first and we have! As you can tell Haleigh loves to take pictures of herself as well as anyone else that wants to jump in the picture. She loves the group one direction and for her birthday she got tickets for the concert (which the lucky person that is going with her is her cousin Justin). She loves the Giants and bought (not with my approval) a Beat LA hat with her own money. She has also figured out this year that babysitting is a great way to earn her spending money. If she is not babysitting for me then she is for someone else. I feel so blessed to have Haleigh as a daughter!
She is so gorgeous! I wish I had her red hair or had a daughter with red hair. I remember when we had just moved into the Moraga ward and thinking how pretty she was. You better watch out when she is 16 :)