Thursday, February 10, 2011

Our genius!

Straight A's for her 1st semester of middle school! Maybe you did this also, but I know I sure didn't! Haleigh was also named Marauder of the week! They pick one student from each grade each week, at the end of the year the students who are picked get to go to Marine World ( which I am sure we have to pay for). We are so proud of her and her example that she is to her friends and most importantly to her siblings! She also made it on a new club soccer team, which she made sure the coach knew in advance that she dosen't play on sundays. WAY TO GO!!!


  1. she's awesome. We love Haleigh.

  2. That is awesome! Way to go Haleigh! I think she is the most mature girl her age, you must be proud!

  3. That is FANTASTIC!!!!! Can she pass some of that along to my boys???

  4. i am totally going to be your blog stalker now. :)

