Wednesday, May 18, 2011

She's 12!!!

It's hard to believe that 12 years ago today our Haleigh was born. We are so greatful for her in our lives. As the oldest of our children Haleigh has taken that part to heart! She has always acted older than the other kids her age. She is so excited to be in young womens at church she can hardly stand it! Haleigh has always been such a big help to us and we are so happy that she choose our family to come to. Haleigh has a love for the SF Giants ( something that her and her dad share) She also loves soccer! She is a wonderful student as I have posted before and I can now say after meeting with my Great Uncle Layton, that must of come from Grandpa Talmage! (although I know the Goett's have lots of smarts too!)  Haleigh I hope this year is one you'll never forget (in a good way) and you can meet some friends that will last a life time! HAPPY BIRTHDAY HALEIGH we LOVE you!!!!!


  1. Happy Birthday Haleigh!!! We are so excited you are 12, it's a huge birthday. Hope you are having a fabulous day. I can't believe how fast those years went by, you have grown up so beautifully.
    Much love,
    Makita,Brock,Steve,Brynn, Ty and
    GO GIANTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. I love the pictures. That's the Haleigh I remember! It makes me miss California, the sun, the parks, and your kids. I am happy for the memories we made as friends. Happy Birthday Haleigh!!

  3. I can not believe she is 12!

  4. WOW!! Haleigh is so grown up! What a doll!! It does seem like that trip was just yesterday... and it kind of was! Life just changes fast! I have been married for a year and have never been happier! Glad to get in touch with you guys!

